Monday, March 29, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A job well done by Mr. Obama on health reform. Congratulations America!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Yesterday marked the end of something beautiful. My relationship with The Wire has now come to an end, and what a frustrating, liberating, hilarious and tremulous relationship that was. I'm still unsure as to whether I rank it or The Sopranos at the top of the best television programmes of all time, all I know is that it will probably be a long time before something like that is made again. Although on the other hand David Simon has succeeded in creating projects of the same caliber since 2008, one in particular that springs to mind was Generation Kill. The director, creator and show runner of The Wire has an eye for true details, usually casting real gangsters, politicians, policemen and journalists to fulfill the roles of his characters. The following few videos feature some of the best bits of the series (warning, spoilers!)

Friday, March 19, 2010

I saw Mumford and Sons last night in the Academy. What a show. Beautiful poetic lyrics mixed with a sort of enthusiasm that I haven't seen in a long time. You just know that these guys love to play. I'm glad this folk movement in England has taken the lead, leaving the average tired indie band trailing in the distance. They are also playing Oxegen this summer so if you have a ticket be sure to get to their tent early as it is definitely going to be packed out. Well worth the wait!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Last Unicorn is my favourite childhood movie, even though when watching it now it is hard to imagine that it was ever a film for kids. The film features the voices of Mia Farrow, Alan Arkin, Jeff Bridges and Christopher Lee, a team that add a sense of wisdom and depth to the characters. If you haven't seen it, download it immediately. It's a beautiful tale with thousands of thematic layers.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

One of my favourite directors Michel Gondry gives us a taste of his ridiculous imagination.

Gathering an array of random letters, memos, postcards etc from around the world. Click here to see the beautiful letter Stephen Fry wrote to a stranger who was going through hard times.

Beautiful collaboration between Absolut Vodka and Spike Jonze. You can watch the whole thing on